We Are Pet Lovers Who Love Pet Lovers...

Our New Facilities Were Built With You In Mind.

We all love what we do at Golden Vallley Vet Hospital. We love animals and we are advocates for animal health and wellbeing. Because of our passion for first-class animal care, we have devoted our time energy and money into building the finest veterinary facility in Lathrop. Our dedicated team is committed to caring for your pets with precision equipment, technologies, and medical services beyond conventional requirements.

  • Wellness Exams
  • Surgical Services
  • General Dentistry
  • Diagnostics Procedures
  • Emergency Care
  • Flea control/Deworming
  • Dietary Counseling
  • Behavioral Counseling

Wellness Exams

Full thorough assessments are done yearly aides us in forestall and recognizing infections and sicknesses with your pet. We urge you to assist us with guaranteeing the prosperity and long-haul soundness of your pet so they can have the best personal satisfaction each and every year.

A few unobtrusive changes to keep an eye out for are behavior, weight gain or loss, appetite change, and elimination habits.

Surgical Services

Our patients and their consideration are truly significant to us. Our caring, customized and prepared careful group is intended to give your pet the most secure, most agreeable experience.

General Dentistry

Periodontal infection is exceptionally normal, about 85% of canines and felines experience the ill effects of some type of dental sickness. The significance of appropriate dental consideration is basic for a pet's decent wellbeing. Oral diseases whenever left untreated can harm inside organs on the off chance that microbes go through the circulatory system.

Diagnostics Procedures

Should your Veterinarian establish that lab tests would demonstrate helpful indicative tools, on-location laboratory is exceptional with state-of-the-art advancements that give solid, brief outcomes.

Emergency Care

Golden Valley Vet is a full-administration pet hospital. We give ordinary health visits and emergency during typical business hours. Our new cutting edge facility is outfitted with a careful suite and many modern analytic capacities. No arrangement is expected for crisis cases. Assuming potential we ask that you call us on your way so we can be more ready to treat your pet and emergency the circumstance.

Emergency cases will be given proper priority in view of the seriousness of the issue. On the off chance that you have a consistently booked arrangement, there might be a deferral in seeing your Vet. If it's not too much trouble, comprehend that we give all our patient's a similar civility.

Individualized Flea Control Programs

We offer the most recent in Flea control and counteraction. Insects still remain the main problem for our furryones in our area. Preventive measures and home/environmental care is the key.

Digestive parasites can be extremely perilous for your pet and some are even zoonotic (and that implies communicated to humans). We treat Hookworm, Whipworms, Roundworms, Coccidia, Giardia and Tapeworms. Running yearly inward parasite screens otherwise called Fecal investigation is a significant piece of preventive medication and can assist with getting interior parasite openness. Most medicines for worms are given by oral drugs.

Your pet can be presented to worms as pups from their mom, canine, dog beach or parks,standing water and any crap that they sniff on their day to day strolls.

Dietary Counseling

Tragically, not all pets are well-behaved. Some have some behavior issues. We are here for you to help you navigate those issues and try to come up with the right solutions for you and your pet.

Behavioral Counseling

Tragically, not all pets are well-behaved. Some have some behavior issues. We are here for you to help you navigate those issues and try to come up with the right solutions for you and your pet.

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